
the best blog

a new blog

a new blog

Hello everyone!

We have moved to a new blog in September 2006: SPIKE'S WEBPAGE. Please, visit us clicking HERE. Thank you!



Here we are after Summer time! Sésamo is a website where you can find dozens of on-line activities which can be useful to improve your English and, at the same time, as an entertainment. Enjoy it!!

Lucia's portfolio

Lucia's portfolio

Remember the survey you have completed in class? Here you are the answers you have provided... Click on the underlined words to see the graphics.

1. Lo que más me gusta de mi clase de Inglés es que (marca con una x las respuestas que más te gusten):

£ Aprendo a usar el diccionario.
£ Hablo con otros en otra lengua.
£ Aprendo cosas nuevas.
£ Traduzco textos.
£ Aprendo vocabulario.
£ Juego.
£ Aprendo canciones.
£ Leo en otra lengua.

£ Trabajo en grupo (gran grupo o pequeño grupo).
£ Trabajo en parejas.
£ Trabajo individual. 
4. ¿Para qué usas el gallego o el castellano?
- Para hablar con la gente que tengo a mi alrededor (24 respuestas, y sólo tres especificasteis que usabais el gallego para hablar en casa y el castellano para hablar con el resto de la gente)

- Para aprender otras lenguas aparte del inglés.

£ No, porque...
£ Algo             £ Bastante                  £ Mucho
£ Nada Þ ¿Te hubiera gustado entenderlo algo mejor?

£ En la calle.
£ Viendo la televisión.
£ Navegando por Internet.
£ Escuchando música.
£ Utilizando juegos.
£ Viajando.
£ Otras ocasiones:  

£ No
£Þ Pon un ejemplo de cómo se haría: 

some jokes (you can send yours...)

some  jokes (you can send yours...)

Teacher: Why are you late, Joseph?

Joseph: Because of a sign down the road.

Teacher: What does a sign have to do with your being late?

Joseph: The sign said, "School Ahead, Go Slow!"


The child comes home from his first day at school. Mother asks, "What did you learn today?"

The kid replies, "Not enough. I have to go back tomorrow."


Teacher: Amit, make a sentence starting with the letter 'I'.

Amit: I is...

Teacher: No, no, no, don't say "I is", you say "I am".

Amit: OK, I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.


Physics Teacher: "Isaac Newton was sitting under a tree when an apple fell on his head and he discovered gravity. Isn't that wonderful?"

Student: "Yes sir, if he had been sitting in class looking at books like us, he wouldn't have discovered anything."

lucía olveira

lucía olveira

Hello friends!

My name is Lucía Olveira. I am 9 years old. I have got two brothers, Jorge and Javier. I like dogs. I have got a black and white dog, its name is Dominó. I like reading, skipping, dancing and drawing. My school is in Pobra do Caramiñal. I like going to school.



new readers

new readers

Different people from different places visit this blog everyday. I want to remember every reader (not only Cluny students) that you can comment everything you want and you can send to an e.mail address ( anything you want to publish here. You all know the only condition is that you must use the English language, and don’t forget that it is normal you have mistakes (don’t worry about that!).

A girl from a school in Pobra do Caramiñal is going to send something to be published here because she is very interested in participating in this blog (her blog as well), so your blog will have a new post soon...

What is a Komodo Dragon? (javi v.)

What is a Komodo Dragon? (javi v.)

What is a tortoise? (ou hao)

What is a tortoise? (ou hao)

In a village in Brazil there are three blind children.

One day, a man brings a tortoise to the village.

’What is a tortoise?’ they ask.



The first child touches the tortoise’s body.

’Aha! A tortoise is like a rock.’



The second child touches the tortoise’s head.

’Aha! A tortoise is like a small ball.’



The third child touches the tortoise’s tail and legs.

’Aha! A tortoise is like sticks.’



The man says: ’The tortoise has got

the body like a rock, the head like a ball

and the legs and the tail like sticks.

You are all right!’